Forum > Community Forums > Class Forums > Priest > Wotlk [Guide] Holy Priest by Boonsbane
I. Preface
II. About the author
III. Talent Builds and Play Styles
IV. GlyphsV. Gear (BiS List)
VI. Enchanting
VII. Gemming(Stats weights)
VIII. Addons
I. PrefaceHoly priests. That's one tough nut to crack. It is very hard to write a guide for a class spec that in and of itself can be played in several different ways. In debates concerning holy priests, rarely is a resolution ever found because no one has maths or facts backing them up, rather just situational theories. We are not a cookie-cutter class like paladins who chase after intellect like there's no tomorrow or shamans doing the same to haste. But here lies the pleasurable thing about this class, we can't be stereotyped or properly judged just by someone inspecting us, unlike other classes, we need more than gear to be good.
II. Who I amI'm Boonsbane, I mainly play on my priest even though I have several other well-geared characters. My priest is pretty much 95% best in slot on all 3 specs, all farmed gear, none donated. I've killed LK 25 hc around 50 times (probably more, I lost count) and Halion 25hc around 10-20 times, and of the raids, I've personally lead many of them. I've learned the class based on my own endeavors and it was terribly hard to find references that weren't out of date or too up-to-date(cata) and I hope that by this guide, I will create something very liable that future priests can rely on for proper information. I intend on updating this guide with any information I may have missed, at the request of the readers, for surely I must have missed some. And more importantly, I would like to point out that if anyone has further questions they can send me a mail via these forums and I'll try to get back to you as soon as i am able to.
III. Talent Builds and Play StylesNote: Major spell cooldowns will be left to the very end as they are common to all specs
Notes on certain talents:Healing Focus: Don't even consider casting a spell if you don't have this. Absolutely necessary if you plan on ever casting Prayer of Healing or Flash Heal
Spell Warding: Under-rated talent. Remember that most of the important damage in fights comes from spells. Taking 10% less damage from a vile spirit can and will make the difference between surviving and dying.
Desperate Prayer: An instant cast greater heal, need I say more? Say you have defile on you and you have 50% hp? Running from Rotface's green slime while getting hammered by his spray at 10% hp? Moving from Marrowgar's flames while at 30% hp? Pop it and live.
Holy Reach: Debatable whether to go for 0/1/2, but imo i would rather stay safe and take 2/2 especially with how spread out people are on the Frozen Throne
Body And Soul: Extremely situational spell, don't use it for the lulz if you have a disc priest in the raid. This can save your raid from a wipe especially on the important fights such as using it on someone with defile/vile spirits/combustion/consumption.
Inspiration: If you don't have this then you're just bad.
a. The Renew Spammer. - Code:
This spec was the most common on molten until the renew bug got fixed. Some priests might still insist on using renew relying on the power of its HoT, but this is, in my opinion, an obsolete build.
Default spells used:Circle of Healing on cooldown
Prayer of Mending on cooldown
Renew spam( who would've guessed this one, eh?)
>Certain priests like to also spec into Surge of Light and using flash heal when it procs. Suit yourself.
>Casting prayer of healing when 4-5 people take damage(esp in AoE fights) is possible. Again, suit yourself and your play style.
The talent build is a cookie-cutter one, you can edit it if you use certain spells other than renew.
b. The Tank
c. Hybrid - Code:
This spec is the hybrid spec that allows all useful spells to be used. I strongly support this spec/playstyle for the more advanced priest as it carries out more raid benefit than the renew spamming build, and usually more hps.
Talent comments:1/2 Surge of Light because with high enough crit it will be enough to have it up after most of your spellcasts
2/2 Body and Soul 1/3 Test of Faith, you can play around with these interchangeably depending on the disc priest in your raid
Concerning empowered renew, letting it sit at 1/3 is definitely an option if you find yourself rarely using renew, or at least rarely using it for the instant heal effect, given the nerf(correction) that has been implemented. The reason you actually put it in that one talent point is to allow renew to still proc Surge of Light/ Holy Concentration.
Note: If you don't want to put all the extra talent points in the aforementioned talents(SoL, BaS, ToF, ER), you can place them in Empowered Healing if you find yourself spamming flash heal and prayer of healing mostly only.
Healing spells used:Circle of Healing on cooldown
Prayer of Mending on cooldown
Renew if one person only has lost more than 30% of his hp and there is pressure on the raid. If there is no pressure on the raid, then you can just top him off with a flash heal. Renew can also be used if no players have lost significant hp (so that its HoT can heal them up when they do lose hp)
Else, Binding Heal and Flash Heal(preferably with SoL proc) to gain serendipity stacks
Prayer of Healing: IMO best spell eu. It can result in a 100k heal in a 1.5 second cast spell. If you use this on a hunter/warlock group, it heals their pets too(they will love you)(this increases your hps and their dps through saving their pets)(they die too easily, #hunterprobs). You can Pre-cast this (ie cast it such that your cast finishes right after raid damage is taken, when predicting it is possible ie VoA). Keeping 3 stacks of Serendipity up will make this an extremely effective bomb heal that saves 5 people (extremely awesome for BQL/Sindragosa/Lady/PP/LK/most fights in the game?). Only use this if you know that 3+ people will be healed with it(3+ people have less than 80% hp), and avoid using it if you know the raid is spread out(ie right before defile hits when everyone is extremely spread out) since it has a limited range as all healing spells do
Note: For sindragosa, if you get unchained magic, only spam renew and stop using everything else.
d. Healing VDW - Code:
The renew spec works here. Basically spam Renew and Guardian Spirit till you're done.
Edit: Given the recent nerf(correction) to empowered renew, it isn't the best idea for you to heal VDW yourself, and if you do want to heal her, it would probably be best to keep renew up but to spam flash heal till 3x serendipity and then to cast greater heal. As a raid leader, I would let the holy paladin do it, while letting him coordinate with the priest on when the priest should use Guardian Spirit. So you're still a key player by popping GS properly, but the paladin's healing will be more efficient than yours. Sorry folks.
Common Spells for Everything!:/cast
Inner Focus /cast
Divine Hymn : Your oh-****-we're-gonna-wipe button. Use it when you panic. Good for BQL's flying phase for example. And for panic boats.
Casting PW:S on yourself then
Shadowfiend then
Hymn of Hope, preferably when you're at 20% mana causes you to go near full mana
PW:S : only cast this when it has an actual benefit because pissy disc priests will pick on you
Desperate Prayer: Your personal oh-**** button.
Guardian Spirit: Be intelligent about using this spell. For example, don't use this spell on a mage in an iceblock. Or on a tank who just popped icebound fortitude. Use this spell on someone who is at low hp and who needs to be healed up ASAP but you know he's not gonna receive the heals fast enough, so by using this directly, you save him.
Runic Mana Potion: Let's not be cheap now k. (Speaking of not being cheap, buy that Flask of the Frost Wyrm!)
(PS: You can farm potions very easily in sholazar basin killing the frostwolf clan wolves at the bottom left of the map)Fade: Deletes you from the threat table for 15 seconds. Lovely ***-saving button.
Psychic Scream: Has its uses.